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Design work

Design work




2018 – 2022

Since 2018 I have helped friends, colleagues and strangers with websites and design work on a freelance basis. I initially gained experience working with such things out of necessity – building a website for Kenilworth Arts Festival, for example, and making posters for events I was organising. You can read about some of the projects below. 


In 2022 I built a website for Rebecca Earle, a professor of history at the University of Warwick. The brief was to create a platform to showcase Rebecca’s work to journalists and non-academic audiences, while also collating Rebecca’s publications in one place. The finished website featured custom-made design elements, a searchable publications table, biographical information and a blog. Alongside designing & building the website, I provided copywriting support and wrote blog posts.

Verve Poetry Festival

In 2017 I designed and built a website for Birmingham-based VERVE Poetry Festival. I also produced standalone design elements, working within pre-existing style guidelines, and provided copyediting support. Once the website was finished, I produced a ‘how to’ document to enable a non-professional to be able to update the website independently. The website design is still in use today.

Ciaran Algar Management

In 2019, I helped to develop a visual identity for a new UK-based music management service, creating an adaptive logo and a website. I also produced tailored written content for the website. The company closed in 2021 due to the pandemic.
